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How To Install WordPress on cPanel

If we talk about content management systems, then word press is always the number one priority.  Due to its lots of benefits its being widely used all over the world. It has been around since 2003 and is mostly used on non-blogging sites. Almost one-third of the world’s websites use word press. It is the only content management system that users can easily download and is also available for free installation.

Though there is a lot of competition, and many site building packages are available. Though many of them are free to download with numerous add-ons for specialized functionality. All can be modified to fulfill the needs of individual users. But all of them usually require a certain level of technical knowledge. Compared to other systems WordPress allows experienced users to work at a high level and at the same time also introduces features for beginners as well.  

Let’s discuss some of the key benefits of word press;


First WordPress was designed for blogging and other online publishing sites. It has also introduced features for other wide range of services as well. Many complex sites for multinational corporations, managing small businesses, and creating personal blogs also use  WordPress to run their sites. There are also features for full-service eCommerce stores, showcasing a portfolio, or hosting a social network, group, or podcast. The best part is that in the WordPress packages you can choose from basic and premium plugins. And use as per your requirements. The best part is its flexibility that can be adapted as per your company’s requirements.

User Friendly

For all types of users especially beginners with very less technical knowledge. The basic requirements for a user are a domain name and a web hosting account. The installation is free through your WordPress hosting provider, or you can upload it directly from There are also very easy and manageable features needed to customize a site’s heading and layout.

Different Themes

There are so many basic and premium themes available for fine-tuning appearance and the best functionality of any new site. Many of these are rapidly available to a new site owner through the WordPress theme directory, and many others can be bought through different other platforms around the world. You can even change the look of your choice by previewing it live and then can easily be installed.

Easy Usage

WordPress is very easy to use and due to its intuitive interface, you can easily add new pages, blog posts, and images very quickly. 

Easily manageable from any computer

WordPress working is browser-based. So, it is easy to log in from any Internet-connected computer to manage your site.

High preference for WordPress sites on search Engines

WordPress coding is very simple and that’s why it is preferred by all search engines to read and file website content. The best part is that every page, post, and image can have its particular meta tag keywords, description, and title. So, these can easily be and be optimized with explicit keywords, letting to very exact search engine optimization.  Further detailed tags can also be used to further enhance your search engine optimization results.

Easy to install and use

All the features of WordPress are both for beginners and professionals. So you can easily install and use it as per your requirements with just one click installation and no coding requirements.


You can get the beginner version of WordPress for free. Even the paid version is very cost-effective as compared to other alternatives available.

Responsive web design

In today’s era of technology, the website should be responsive enough to a large number of devices such as mobiles both Android and iPhones, desktops and tablets.  It should look perfect on all of these devices, and it can only be achieved through WordPress because this platform is offering responsive website designs and themes and you can choose as per your requirements.

Mobile Friendly

Most of the world’s internet traffic comes from mobile devices due to their maximum usage so in that case, a website should be mobile-friendly to make it comprehensible, and easily usable for mobile users. For SEO it is also important that the website should be mobile-friendly. Through WordPress, you can easily make your website mobile-friendly by choosing mobile-friendly themes very easily.

Automatic Updates

Due to the ever-changing and evolving internet, the platforms should be updated as per CM’s website. WordPress is always on top to update its platform automatically and quickly with just one click as per technological advancements.

Plugins And Apps

Plugins and applications like email marketing plugins, design plugins and speed plugins help to customize and run WordPress. It has a larger number of plugins over 54K plus for better functionality.

Website Security

There are also security plugins available in WordPress just to improve the security of your website from hacks and susceptibilities. Furthermore, WordPress is specifically designed with specific security measures to give 100% safety.

Built-In Blog

Blogging is an essential part of the SEO of the website. WordPress websites come with an inbuilt blog section and help you to adjust extra content very efficiently to perfectly optimize your website.

Speed And Accessibility

Speech and convenience of usage are two main major benefits of WordPress as you can make changes to your website very easily. Secondly again flexibility and better functionality perfectly optimize the site. You can build a website from scratch very easily and efficiently.

Large Community

With almost 1.2 million Facebook followers and 631,000 Twitter followers, WordPress has a larger community as compared to other platforms. Due to this larger community, you can get a large number of support forums to solve any problem.

Open Source

The code base of any website of WordPress is public and any developer can make changes. This is the most convenient and best way to combine technical expertise to provide you with the best content management platform.

No Coding

The biggest edge is no coding requirements. and in this way, the person having zero coding knowledge can also build their website from scratch. The best and easy way to develop and creation of a website.

Infinite Scalability

Although most website owners and small businesses will have small websites with very few pages, if they ever want to expand their business and website with more pages – again, they can easily do this through WordPress.

Now in the next section, we will talk about how to install WordPress on cPanel. First of all, you have to be clear that what is cPanel. It is a web hosting Control Panel software developed by cPanel. Through cPanel graphical interface and automation tools are designed in such a way that just simplifies the whole process of hosting a website for the website holder or the “end user”.

Installation in combination with cPanel is usually offered in one click Installation.

Upload WordPress Install Script to Server

  • First of all, open your cPanel account by browsing the domain name.
  • After entering the details log in. You can use the management tool to open it.
  • Go to the public HTML directory. It’s your web root, to store all your websites.
  • Then decide on the location of your website.
  • The next step is uploading the contents of the WordPress folder. Remember it’s just uploading the content of the folder, not the folder itself. Once the uploading is complete all WordPress files and subfolders should exist in public HTML.
  • In the second option, you can upload the whole subfolder of your domain and once completed rename the WordPress folder as per your requirements.
  • Once you have removed the WordPress installation archive, then delete the zip file from your web server. For this, you have to Right-click on the zip file and just click delete.
  • All the WordPress folders and files should be listed in that folder.

To process the whole Installation, you need the following;

  • A MySQL Database with appropriate credentials
  • A Database host.
  • In the case of many WordPress sites in a single database use Table Prefix
  • An Exclusive Phrase and Salt Key

Generate MySQL Database and Database User

  • First of all, create a Database
  • Name your database
  • Remember your database name for future usage
  • Click Next Step to create the database

Generate Database Users

  • Database users will be generated through Wizard.
  • Your hosting account name will prepend the username. Enter a username and a password.
  • Allocate User to Database and Give Permissions
  • For permitting newly made user access to the database.
  • Look for the Add User To Database section of the page.
  • In the user drop-down menu, choose your newly formed user.
  • Select your newly created database under the Database drop-down menu and click Add.
  • In the next step assign database rights.
  • Click Make Changes to assign privileges to the user and click make changes.
  • For further verifications go back and scroll down to view current databases.

After the whole setup, you can navigate back to your domain name and complete the installation.

  • In the next steps
  • Update Default Unique Keys and Salts
  • Rename the-config-sample.php
  • In case of any errors correct them wp-config.php file
  • Run WordPress install script

Complete the WordPress Installation

Enter details such as the Title of the site, your required WordPress Username and Password, and your Email Address. Remember that don’t enter the same username and password for your database user. This is all about how to install WordPress on cPanel. For further information, you can visit

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